Our Services
At Connected Chiropractic, Your Comfort Is Our Top Priority!
The word holistic is defined as “incorporating the concept of holism, or the idea that the whole is more than merely the sum of its parts, in theory, or practice.” At Connected Chiropractic, we couldn’t agree more and we’ve based the philosophy of our practice around just that concept. When we provide patient care, we focus on the entirety of the body, not just one part. The human body is intricately interconnected…meaning that pain or numbness in one location can be a ripple effect that spread from a subluxation (or interference) in another part of the body. Our chiropractic care strategies are based on treating the whole person, including the root cause of a problem, not just the symptom itself.
A Few Of The Services We Offer Are:

Chiropractic Care

Stemwave Therapy
StemWave Treatment is a regenerative medical technique that utilizes harmless, yet powerful acoustic waves to activate your body’s natural healing mechanisms. This new technology is designed to help patients with musculoskeletal conditions by increasing blood flow and reducing inflammation and healing your body naturally.

Spinal & Postural Screenings
Remember being a child and your parents telling you to sit up straight, stop slouching? Turns out they were on to something. Our spinal and posture screenings can reveal critically important health information. In addition to offering these screenings in our office, we also offer them at community events. Just look for our booth!
What Our Patients Are Saying...