Connected Chiropractic Blog
Massage Therapy For Fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia Is A Medical Condition Characterized By Chronic Widespread Pain And Heightened Pain Response To Pressure It seems that the relationship between massage therapy and Fibromyalgia is clouded and controversial when it comes to asking if massage is...
Giving Back To The Community
This past December and into January Connected Chiropractic put up a Mitten Tree in the lobby and asked patients, friends and anyone from the community to donate warm mitten, scarves, new socks, hats, etc. for students in need in the Johnstown/Milliken school district....
The Science of Sleep
Sleep. We all do it, try to do it, or wish we could do it. What makes falling asleep and staying that way so easy for some people yet so elusive for others? Before you reach for prescription sleep aids that may do more harm than good, let’s look at some natural...