Connected Chiropractic Blog

Chiropractic Patients Need Standard Medical Services Less
More and more studies are beginning to show that chiropractic patients need standard medical services less! What we are considering to be standard medical services are things like hospitals, nursing homes, prescription drugs, and surgeries to help the elderly stay...

Chiropractic Care, Parkinson’s Disease and Multiple Sclerosis
The study…Chiropractic Care, Parkinson's disease and Multiple Sclerosis The August 2004 issue of the Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research highlighted an interesting study. It found that chiropractic care may halt or reverse the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease...

Asthma and Allergies in Children
What the research says about asthma and allergies in children... The research shows that the overuse of antibiotics cause asthma and allergies in children. On December 29, 2010, the American Journal of Epidemiology concluded “that antibiotic exposure before 6 months...

3 Benefits of Spinal Decompression
The 3 benefits of spinal decompression include providing safe back pain relief, stretching the muscles along the spine, and improving nerve function. If you are one of the many Americans suffering from lower back pain, pain in the neck, or subluxations in other areas...

Stress and Sandwich Cookies
Ron is a friend of mine. My daughter and I ran into Ron at the grocery store on Sunday. The usual pleasantries were exchanged: “How’s it going? Haven’t seen you for a while.” “The wife and kids are doing great! My son just bought a house!” Then, Ron said...

5 Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Kids
Welcome back to our blog! When most people think about chiropractic care, they usually associate this type of natural medicine as a treatment for injuries and wellness care among adults. However, children, like adults, have spines, nervous systems, and musculoskeletal...

Ways To Improve Your Back Health At The Office (Part 2)
Welcome back to the Connected Chiropractic blog! If you’re like many people who work in an office, you may find yourself falling into the trap of poor back health while you’re at work. Whether you spend the day working at a computer with your shoulders slouched over,...

Ways To Improve Your Back Health At The Office (Part 1)
Welcome back to the Connected Chiropractic blog. If you work at an office and sit in front of a computer screen all day, this can have serious implications on the health of your neck and back. It is extremely easy to fall into the habit of sitting hunched over in your...

Why Is Good Posture So Important?
The term ‘posture’ refers to the body’s ability to be in alignment and balance itself properly to the force of gravity. Whether we are standing, sitting, or lying down, gravity exerts a force on our joints, ligaments, and muscles. Good posture means that our body has...

4 Benefits Of Receiving Chiropractic Care
Welcome back to the Connected Chiropractic blog! In our introductory blog post, we began looking at some of the benefits residents in Milliken and Johnstown can gain by coming to see our chiropractor for regular chiropractic care. Receiving regular chiropractic...

Massage Therapy To Relieve Tension & Pain
Why Choose Vitality Massage In Johnstown Highly Trained and Knowledgeable Massage Therapists Care and Compassion Where It Counts Personalized Care to Address Your Specific Needs Warm and Welcoming Environment Natural Approach to Pain Relief Benefits Physical,...

Loving Yourself From The Inside Out – February Is Heart Month
It’s a brand-new year and for many of us, that means it’s time for new resolutions, new beginnings, and some self-reflection. No matter where you might be on that spectrum, there are some things that are very important to keep in mind for a new year – and, for that...

The Magic Of Movement
I have recently been reflecting on issues that I think affect all of us. Prior to COVID and now as we move past the effects of COVID, I have noticed some common things about our society and about myself. First off, I feel there is a certain amount of anger and...

Stressors During The Pandemic And How To Find Wellness Again
We have all experienced some level of pandemic fatigue – it can be tempting to let your guard down. The care free and novel days of zoom meetings and working from home has lost its notoriety for many. Physical distancing and mask-wearing are taking a toll on us....

January: The Month We All Decide To Start Anew
I don’t know about you but I am ready to get back to some kind of normal again. Life over the past few months has sure been challenging. For me life slowed down a little. We were not able to see my kids or grandkids except on Zoom. I had a brand new grandbaby that I...

Law Of Attraction
According to Wikipedia, the Law of Attraction is the belief that positive or negative thoughts bring positive or negative experiences into a person’s life. The belief is based on the idea that people and their thoughts are made from “pure energy,” and that a process...

Celebrating National Chiropractic Health Month
Dr. Brad Cranwell and the team at Connected Chiropractic in Johnstown are celebrating National Chiropractic Health Month. Since March, many people across the country have incorporated changes into their daily lives to reduce their potential exposure to COVID-19:...

Massage Therapy And Cancer Treatment
For those undergoing cancer treatment, the side effects of such treatment may be very unpleasant and the need for relief may be vital. A meta-analysis was published in 2015 in Integrative Cancer Therapies on the correlation between massage therapy and cancer pain,...