The study…Chiropractic Care, Parkinson’s disease and Multiple Sclerosis
The August 2004 issue of the Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research highlighted an interesting study. It found that chiropractic care may halt or reverse the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease (PD) and Multiple Sclerosis (MS).
The study involved 81 patients with PD and MS. Every patient was under chiropractic care for correction of the vertebral subluxations and/or misalignments of the small bones of the spine. Thus, they were correcting the neck area. The study occurred over a 5-year period.
Seventy-eight of the 81 patients reported that they had experienced at least one traumatic head or neck injury. All of which occurred between 2 months and 30 years prior to the onset of their disease. Previous research has proposed a causal link between head and neck injuries and the development of Parkinson’s disease and Multiple Sclerosis. The small numbers in this study also provide evidence of such a link.
The results…
In the study, 92% of the PD patients and 91% of the MS patients showed a lessening of symptoms. They also showed a pause in the progression of the disease. That means that chiropractic care not only reduced the symptoms of both Parkinson’s disease and Multiple Sclerosis, but also prevented further deterioration within the body.
In the PD group, 16 showed substantial improvement, 8 showed moderate improvement, and 11 showed minor improvement. Improvement in the MS group showed 28 substantial, 8 moderate, and 5 minor. In all of the improved cases, no further progression of the symptoms occurred within that 5 year period of chiropractic care.
The takeaway…
This case illustrates that by correcting vertebral subluxations or misalignments, and removing the resulting nerve interference, chiropractic care allows your body to function better. This could be anything from regaining and maintaining a higher degree of health to giving you a better quality of life even if you have an incurable condition such as Parkinson’s disease or Multiple Sclerosis. As a result, all types of health challenges are more easily dealt with, whether they are symptomatic or not.
If you or someone you know suffers from Parkinson’s disease or Multiple Sclerosis, feel free to reach out to our chiropractor with questions! We’re happy to help and answer any concerns you may have. Schedule online or contact us today!